
S5 Nodes provide two HTTP-based APIs for uploading files, depending on the file size and if you need resumable uploads.

The simple one for small files

Small files can be uploaded with a single HTTP POST request, using the default file upload form field:

curl -X POST "https://S5_NODE_URL/s5/upload" -F "file=@example.txt"

Please note that non-localhost (or local network) S5 Nodes reachable on the Internet usually require authentication for uploading files, see accounts.md for details.

curl -X POST "https://S5_NODE_URL/s5/upload?auth_token=AUTH_TOKEN_HERE" -F "file=@example.txt"

TUS for larger files

For larger (resumable) file uploads, S5 uses the https://tus.io/ protocol.

Before starting an upload, you need to calculate the blake3 hash of the file locally. When creating the tus upload using the initial POST request, you need to pass the hash as metadata. With most tus libraries, you would pass the hash like this:

    "hash": "BASE64URL_ENCODE(0x1e + HASH_HERE)"

It's available on the /s5/upload/tus endpoint and also usually requires authentication.