API Interface

This specification is still a work-in-progress draft. If you spot any issues or have suggestions on how it could be improved, please create an issue here: https://github.com/s5-dev/docs/issues

S5 contains a lot of features. To keep the system modular and make it easier to for example only implement some parts of the spec in a new programming language or environment, there are two standard API interfaces used by most systems. So if you implement these, you can just pass them to something like the FS.


This is the base API that must be supported by all implementations. Some of them might add additional methods for extra features or convenience.

TODO Add purpose/context field to upload methods.

typedef OpenReadFunction = Stream<List<int>> Function([int? start, int? end]);

abstract class S5APIProvider {
  /// Blocks until the S5 API is initialized and ready to be used
  Future<void> ensureInitialized();

  /// Upload a small blob of bytes
  /// Returns the Raw CID of the uploaded raw file blob
  /// Max size is 10 MiB, use [uploadRawFile] for larger files
  Future<BlobCID> uploadBlob(Uint8List data);

  /// Upload a raw file
  /// Returns the Raw CID of the uploaded raw file blob
  /// Does not have a file size limit and can handle large files efficiently
  Future<BlobCID> uploadBlobWithStream({
    required Multihash hash,
    required int size,
    required OpenReadFunction openRead,

  /// Downloads a full file blob to memory, you should only use this if they are smaller than 1 MB
  Future<Uint8List> downloadBlob(Multihash hash, {Route? route});

  /// Downloads a slice of a blob to memory, from `start` (inclusive) to `end` (exclusive)
  Future<Uint8List> downloadBlobSlice(
    Multihash hash, {
    required int start,
    required int end,
    Route? route,

  Future<void> pinHash(Multihash hash);

  Future<void> unpinHash(Multihash hash);

  Future<SignedRegistryEntry?> registryGet(
    Uint8List pk, {
    Route? route,
  Stream<SignedRegistryEntry> registryListen(
    Uint8List pk, {
    Route? route,
  Future<void> registrySet(
    SignedRegistryEntry sre, {
    Route? route,

  Stream<SignedStreamMessage> streamSubscribe(
    Uint8List pk, {
    int? afterTimestamp,
    int? beforeTimestamp,
    Route? route,
  Future<void> streamPublish(
    SignedStreamMessage msg, {
    Route? route,

  CryptoImplementation get crypto;

The Route? route argument is not used currently


abstract class CryptoImplementation {
  Uint8List generateSecureRandomBytes(int length);

  Future<Uint8List> hashBlake3(Uint8List input);

  Uint8List hashBlake3Sync(Uint8List input);

  Future<Uint8List> hashBlake3File({
    required int size,
    required OpenReadFunction openRead,

  Future<bool> verifyEd25519({
    required Uint8List publicKey,
    required Uint8List message,
    required Uint8List signature,

  Future<Uint8List> signEd25519({
    required KeyPairEd25519 keyPair,
    required Uint8List message,

  Future<KeyPairEd25519> newKeyPairEd25519({
    required Uint8List seed,

  Future<Uint8List> encryptXChaCha20Poly1305({
    required Uint8List key,
    required Uint8List nonce,
    required Uint8List plaintext,

  Future<Uint8List> decryptXChaCha20Poly1305({
    required Uint8List key,
    required Uint8List nonce,
    required Uint8List ciphertext,